Thursday 3 May 2007

"Blair, Thatcher, BBC, Guardian are symptoms of the deeper disease. That disease is the problem. No elections can even identify the disease..."

The Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary: Thursday 3 May 2007

2150 Hrs GMT
London Thursday 3 May 2007

Elections in the UK are not delivering.

It is immediately the consequence of the severe Blairing of society over the past 10 years. It is also due to the equally serious Thatchering and Tebbitting of society during the previous 18 years.

It is also due to the current and the intense BBCing of society. the Guardianising of society.

Blair, Thatcher, BBC, Guardian are symptoms of the deeper disease. That disease is the problem. No elections can even identify the disease. let alone get rid of it...It is a disease that is linked with the history the culture and the predominance, the over dominance of lying in this culture......

[To be continued]

AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot scheme scam project Bill

Editor©Muhammad Haque

Khoodeelaar! Defends the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 against Crossrail hole Bill. Khoodeelaar! Is also the constitutional campaign against the misuse of what constitution there is for the local people to get due and proper representation and say on the existing ‘legitimate’ bodies like the local Tower Hamlets Council and in the UK House of Commons.

Khoodeelaar! began on 31 January 2004 and has continued the work of defending the area by applying a multiplicity of tactics and skills. Those have included the publication of a 24/7 news website as well as the monitoring and auditing of the key legislative programme that was devised by Big Business-prompted administration of Tony Blair to give legitimacy to the wider onslaught on the community for which Crossrail hole Bill is a mere cover.

Khoodeelaar! Is a Seelotee word, devised and activated specifically in the East End of London where the political, social and cultural composition of the community needs the presence of a Seelotee language word that speaks volumes for the community of all backgrounds. Khoodeelaar! has in the past 40 months [as at 1831 Hrs GMT on Saturday 28 April 2007] created a frame of reference of active articulation of defence of the community at all levels of decision-making. One of these references is provided by the daily publication with AADHIKAR Media Foundation of original reports, analyses and reflections that address all key issues that affect the present and influence the future of the community in the East End of London. [From earlier editions that were running up to 1830 Hrs GMT 28 April 2007] Is the campaign for the defence of some of the most deprived, disenfranchised people to be found in any part of the UK. The defence of the community against the big business attacks has included the fact that the big business tout and colluder for the destruction of local democracy in London 'the London mayor ken Livingstone' has abused his position and engaged criminals to spread smear and lies against the campaign. The smears and the lies have been noted by our campaign and we shall publish those with our evidence of the history of smears that the racist Livingstone has conducted against all critics who have seen through his racist abuse of power and office and camouflages in his ethnicity linked corruption of office and clinging on to office at the expense of the people of the given borough or of the ‘greater’ London area depending on the time that he has held any post at a borough level or on a `London wide platform such as now, as the ‘undone mayor’!. The Khoodeelaar! Movement has been actively opposing the CrossRail hole attacks on the east end since 31 January 2004. In that time, we have exposed more lies and have drawn attention to more abuse of public resources by big business robbers than has been the case by any ‘select’ committee’ formally sitting in the UK house of commons or by any of the Quangos [which stands for – or lets down by ‘ the quasi autonomous non-governmental organizations – now redesigned or described as ‘non-departmental organizations’], including the various’ audit’ outfits that themselves are paid from the public funds. Khoodeelaar! Is also the publisher with AADHIKARMedia media foundation of one of the most active series of non-profit, non-commercial daily and round the clock internet publishing programmes taking place from the UK.
Published by AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATION IN Association with the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against The Crossrail hole plot. Scheme, scam, project’ bill [in The UK house of commons as at the date of the Publication Of this edition]

summarised version Of The Aadhikaronline- Khoodeelaar! Legal disclaimer At 1830 HRS GMT on Saturday 28 April 2007
this Statement is Being Made for ethical, moral, transparency and legal Reasons. The Moral claims and responsibilities for the contents Herein Are Being owned and declared by the editor and the Aadhikar Media foundation. Likewise, all legal claims and Authorship Rights are also asserted. This statement and Disclaimer Was Edited and updated at 1830 Hrs GMT on Saturday 28 April 2007
this material is published on a purely Non-profit, Non-commercial, Internationally humanitarian and educational basis. The cost of production including the transferable Costs, Are all Borne by the publishers, the AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATION, Based in London
the full texts of the Current Aadhikaronline legal disclaimer is available on Email Request to

for the purpose of Alerting visitors to the Aadhikar media foundation Sites And Pages, here is the summarised version, updated at 1805 Hrs GMT on Saturday 14 April 2007
AADHIKARonline And These editions in association with Khoodeelaar! The Campaign against the CrossRail hole project Plan Scheme Scam bill [the so-called ‘CrossRail bill’, currently a Draft Piece Of legislation in the UK houses of parliament] Published Purely As an educational and information resource Conceived of, devised, originally Researched Authored and created by the editor and any named Or Identified Other writer and or author. Not for inclusion in any Commercial package whatever. Nor in any alleged Work Or Confection or operation or piece that is in any way at Any Stage To be treated as an academic work in any institution Anywhere. All the contents in this edition [as in the allied Editions] Of Aadhikaronline are originally researched, Conceived Of and Are totally written and edited by the editor except Where A Quotation or a reference or an attribution to a third Party or person as the author or originator or the Source is Included Which reference/s is/are expressly acknowledged, Cited and Detailed. The same legal and ipr conditions and Restrictions apply to any inclusion in Any Type of academic, pseudo-academic operation, task Or Production in any part of the world. Not for Inclusion as any component of any ethnicity-linked, Pro-racist, Colonialist, globalising publication, stunt, enterprise, Trade or Operation. All materials published from London UK By Aadhikar media foundation on this web site or On any Associated web sites remain the intellectual and Moral Creation And property of the creating author/s and editor. None of The statements, contents or analyses contained Here Must be included with any publication in print or in Any Other form whether electronic or otherwise that is Not Authorized and approved by the author/s publisher And The editor of these materials and contents
AADHIKARonline 1st Edition 2040 Hrs GMT London Thursday 3 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill
AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! Records another day of lies, lying and fabrication by the armies of liars who control the positions of power in the Blaired Britain, on a day when they issued all kinds of new versions of the lie about the concept of British values which they all religiously flaunt, distort and contaminate- the day that the lying mainstream media in the Uk lied even more ferociously and fervently than it does on any other day, the day when many local and regional elections were held and a day that is set to end with the Blairing Brothellising Corruptor, the BBC piling on more lies upon the heaps of historic lies that are already far too much for the sanity and the health of the planet earth so corrupted by the BBC’s lying over the past 70 years
AADHIKARonline 1st Edition 0720 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 2 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill [plus,] Manifesto for Bethnal Green and Bow covering the ‘UK House of Commons’, the ‘Greater London Assembly’ [=GLA], and the ‘Undone Mayor’ [=as London as been distorted by the main Big Business tout and Crossrail hole plotter Ken Livingstone who we are calling the ‘Undone mayor’ and shall be referring to as that until Livingstone leaves the office of ‘mayor’ which has been funded quite unwisely ‘in the name of London’ and at the expense of the vast majority of the ordinary people in London whose rights are being daily violated and suppressed via the courts and via the many layers of bureaucracy because of these London peoples' being institutionally and prejudicially and undemocratically pushed into poverty and social exclusion and obstruction of all kinds which are being maintained by the operation of the biggest insult to London and democratic say in London which insult is epitomised, personified and typified by Ken Livingstone every time he abuses his position and stages the series of propaganda that he is allowed by the BBC and other media to do.]
Khoodeelaar! Series of reports on the role of ‘local MP’ George Galloway and his ‘Respect’ group in the context of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CrossRail hole – due to start appearing here during Wednesday 2 May 2007
What are the allegations that a ‘former Tower Hamlets RESPECT councillor’ has been reported to have made against George Galloway the local MP and how accurate are those allegations?
What are the questions that arise in the context of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CrossRail hole and the still undercharged duty the local Tower Hamlets Council controlling clique has to tell the truth and to apologise for so far failing to tell the truth about the role it has played in allowing the Crossrail hole attack to be kept in the Crossrail Bill now in the UK House of Commons – what is the possible role of this now –former RESPECT Councillor in getting the controlling clique to pass the Motion saying No to CrossRail hole?
What has the ‘RESPECXT’ group on Tower Hamlets Council done to oppose the CrossRail hole in the Council chamber and with what authenticity?
Who else is set to defect on the Tower Hamlets Council and in which direction?
Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme updates
Khoodeelaar! Campaign updates especially the next Khoodeelaar! Event against the Ken Livingstone deviousness move by abusing the ‘planning aid for london’, the so-called independent outfit that is nothing of the sort – a mobilisation against this stooge outfit that is aiding and abetting the leis of Ken CrossRail hole plot Livingstone – more details in the near future here
AADHIKARonline 5th Edition 1930 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 1 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for Bethnal green and Bow against Crossrail hole – at the ‘Greater London Assembly’ ‘elections’, the UK Parliamentary elections/s and the ‘Undone mayor’ ‘elections’ - More contextual reporting here, shortly [we have for the record given the formal description for the GLA here; we shall soon be using the true description again, our newly commissioned series of reports on the lack of democracy ands accountability the Blair has created against the rights of the people of London – here shortly]
Crossrail hole-inviter corrupt clique on Tower Hamlets Council ‘stays unchanged’ - Will the pullers of the strings behind the ‘latest’ corrupt clique on Tower Hopeless Council confess to their ingratitude to the community, apologise for the lies they told for Crossrail hole, ask the community to forgive them and pass the motion, overdue, saying No to Crossrail hole ?
How many school-leaving jobless people are on the streets of the East End today and who has been pushing them down that social scrap heap and hole? – a Khoodeelaar! report shortly
What is going on in the ‘community centres’ in Tower Hamlets ? The so-called centres for ‘regenerating’ the community? Another AADHIKARonline first, in association with the Khoodeelaar! campaign against the degeneration and corruption of the community via public funding of the Blaired crooks that are Blaired, over-Blaired,. Sub-Blaired and simply Blaired -
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole attacks on the East End of London
Publishing programme on Tuesday 1 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! Reviews the role of George Galloway MP and his Respect’ group in the campaign against the Crossrail hole plot against the community – an AADHIKARonline report prepared exclusively for the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill, coming here during the later part of Tuesday 1 May 2007
Does John Bird, the 'Big Issue'-linked 'candidate'; for 'Undone mayor' have it? - A Khoodeelaar! review of Mr Bird's bold announcement [Tuesday 1 May 2007] - and also an update on the BBC's Livingstone-linked bias even as Tim Donovan was assigned to do a piece about the 'floating' of John Bird's alleged challenge - here shortly
Why the CrossRail hole plot-backer London EVENING STANDARD has no standards when it comes to opining on key 'economic' and macro issues affecting' London- why the STANDARD's editorial about the 2012 Olympics costs deception is incredible, given that the same paper has been backing even more lies when its record is examined in the context of its role in promoting, with Ken Livingstone the untenable, the CRASS Crossrail hole Bill - we examine the contradictions and the lies for Big Business that the London EVENING STANDARD has been a vehicle for and why the publication [the de facto 'monopoly evening paper in London'; even despite the plethora of free sheets 'alternatives' pilots like 'the London paper' and the 'lite' that are repeating the same editorial and political lies and lies right now] has no merit or legitimate claim to give any social comment about London whatever... It is an adjunct to the Big Business and City of London interests through and through - and it was not really challengeable by anyone even the financially equally corrupt [to the prospectors of the EVENING STNDARD' of the time and those who own it now, at 1 May 2007] Robert Maxwell unless the alleged challenger to the 'London EVENING STANDARD' identified with the majority of the people of London - The EVENING Standard never did that. It remains a parasite publication and it must be scrapped -
Khoodeelaar! Reviewing the role that Oona King had played against the defence of the community and for the Crossrail hole-plotters against the community – continuing the Khoodeelaar! Campaign reports on Oona King and her proximity with the violators of the rights of the community in the context of the campaign against Crossrail hole Bill plot scheme scam and project
Khoodeelaar! Preview of the state of the Bethnal Green and Bow constituency in the lead up to the next scheduled [or 'snap'] election/s – for the ‘Undone mayor’, for the GLA, for the UK House of Commons
Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme against the Crossrail hole plotters, including Ken Livingstone, Christine Gilbert and five named councillors in place at the relevant time/s- updates on the search for reliable witnesses to testify against Crossrail-hole-backer promoters, peddlers and violators and to testify for the Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole Bill claimants in court and against the perpetrators of the relevant parts of the CrossRail hole plot against the East End of London
AADHIKARonline 2nd Edition 0740 Hrs GMT London Monday 30 April 2007
AADHIKARMedia Foundation publication programme in support of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail Monday 30 April 2007

The Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary: The racist Jack Straw needs to learn the core of the universal truth – that his hiding behind racism at every excuse does nothing to enhance the image of Britain. Just like the suppression of the truth about the massive British bribery of Saudi decision makers, the alleged scandal that is plaguing every self respecting reader and listener of the so-called mainstream media this morning is in itself untruthful and a racist lie. The scandal is not about the Saudis on this occasion., The scandal is that the corruption of the Saudi society has been highly orchestrated and organised by the same Big Business interests that were behind the br4tioberey of the Saudis on the aerospace deals…Juxtaposed over that story and the allied story of the pathetic careerist and time-server Jack Straw abusing the victims and the targets of racism once again, is the story again pathetically released by the promoters of the over-hyped charity ‘Joseph Rowntree Foundation, is the story about Poverty in Britain. But the truth is not being told in any of these ‘news reports’ or indeed in any of the ‘mainstream,’ ‘commentaries’….Poverty created and maintained during Tony Blair’s occupation of No 10 Downing Street for the past 10 years - Blaired impoverished standard of evidence

0720 Hrs GMT London Monday 30 April 2007
POVERTY of truth - about the racist causes of poverty in the timing and the contents of the Joseph Rowntree stunt publication today about ‘poverty affecting the ethnic minorities’ in the UK. The timing is typical. Yesterday, Sunday 29 April 2007, the pimps of the mainstream British media made their annual exhibition and ‘celebrated’ the ‘Richest of the rich’. Poverty is caused by abuse of power. The power linked with access to making decisions about what is done with the available resource. Collectively speaking, resource is what is offered by nature and the environment and by the organisation of a society. If society is operated by accepted criteria of discrimination contrary to the other allegedly avowed obligations to counter discrimination then there ought not to be any surprise expressed either directly or indirectly at the consequent denial of rights to the targets of those violations. Yet that is exactly what some of the typical, ethnicity-linking, racistly ignorant and racistly patronising headlines and ‘comments’ in the mainstream and in the accepted periphery of the British media [as typed by the formerly allegedly communist Morning Star, a hugely ignorant organ purchasable at exorbitant cost - 6o p on Monday 30 April 2007 - which lacks alls sense and is stuffed full of lying trendy slogans that are bereft of any respect for the people in whose name it parades itself] To take a look at the equivalent in the Big Business-controlled mainstream media of what the Morning Star does about this latest parade of bureaucratic and hugely soullessly contrived statistics about poverty afflicting the ‘ethnic minorities’ [not people, note!], CLICK HERE for a glimpse of the Herald brought out from Scotland.
[To be continued]
AADHIKARonline the 2nd edition 1800 Hrs GMT London Sunday 29 April 2007
AADHIKARMedia Foundation publication programme in support of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail Sunday 29 April 2007
Khoodeelaar! ‘No to Crossrail hole attacks’ Manifesto for Bethnal Green and Bow – economic, social, environmental, cultural, linguistic, ethical, moral, context for the defence of the Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Stepney London E1 area against the package of attacks as typified by the conception and the contents of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ as it is in the UK House of Commons at the time of writing this [at 1730 Hrs GMT on Sunday 29 April 2007] and as evidenced and evident in the promotion, plugging and apologies for the seriously flawed, highly wasteful [of public resource] CrossRail transport mess and disaster in the name of ‘London’ or in the name of ‘London economy’ or by citing the alleged 'London economy' [Khoodeelaar! definitions of 'London economy' 'UK economy' 'Scottish economy' etc - constituting our rebuttal of the leis by CrossRail hole-plotter Ken Livingstone, will be updated on these sites regularly]
Khoodeelaar! Says ‘hold off the celebrations’ in the name of ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’! What ‘celebrations’?
When Crossrail hole plot-backer 'the still active Blairing ex MP' Oona King apologised for the Crossrail hole plot attacks plot on the East End of London
How was it that Oona King who had been widely known as having taken part in a series of plastic propaganda activities [in which she had gladly and enthusiastically taken part posing as the originator 'as a constituency MP' of smear-items that had been conceived of and ] designed [at the 'Blair party HQ'] to discredit the then ‘ Blair-targeted’ Ken Livingstone [ in the run up to the actual time of the first ‘Undone mayoral election’] became an ‘equally enthusiastic appreciator, supporter and promoter’ of the very same Ken Livingstone just at the time when the ‘second Undone mayoral poll’ was about to take place and Livingstone had been ‘admitted back’ into the Blaired Party?
What are the lessons in the behaviour of Oona King who said in 2004 that only if [or ‘if only’] the people in the East End had been ‘given all the facts’ [not quoting Oona King here, but paraphrasing her as based on the evidence of her words and role as a plugger of the CrossRail hole plot against the East End] they would ‘see the benefits of Crossrail’ was, ‘miraculously’ transformed into an alleged original thinking advocate for ‘rethink’ on the CRASSrail hole plot by the time the Khoodeelaar campaign had created enough political momentum that was utterly based on the universally recognisable evidence of the needs of the people in the East End to be spared the attacks as represented in and by and through the CrossRail ole plot? And how then to explain Oona Kings’ still diabolical ‘petition’ – which was itself devised for her by the central promoters of CRASSrail to counter the then Khoodeelaar! Political petition programme – was couched in words, terms and phrases that in fact exposed as shallow whatever interim ‘rethink’ on the CrossRail hole plot Oona King had claimed to have felt to be necessary?
How many similar tricks and contradictions did Oona King subject the people of the constituency to during the 8 years of her career as the actually listed ‘MP’ in the UK House of Commons in the name of Bethnal Green and Bow?
What other community campaign for the defence of the community, - in and or about any part of the community whether economic, social or environmental, in the same constituency – has focussed how much comparable attention on the core issues and problems and needs and rights of the constituency people as has been the case with Khoodeelaar!
What ‘academic’ contribution does the ‘Queen Mary College’ make to the defence of the people and the advocacy of the same core needs of the community in the Bethnal Green and Bow constituency and in the wider East End of London?
How many agents does the QMC have ‘in the community’ who promote the QMC as the appropriate forum for ‘debate and discussion’ about the ordinary life in the community? What role ahs the QMC been played or been used to play for the violation of the human the economic, the social the environmental rights of the local community and area where the QMC is physically based and sited ?
How frequently does the QMC file reports that are secret but are compiled to sabotage the democracy say of the community in the East End of London?
‘Who Knows You’ Mr Hennessey? The ‘who’ only known to you! And more - AADHIKARonline the 8th edition 1840 Hrs GMT London Saturday 28 April 2007
Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for Bethnal Green and Bow against Crossrail hole attacks
If the Crossrail hole plot in Hanbury Street is a physical manifestation of what the Big Business plotters want to do, dig a hole in a place and replace the people now there then what is the shape or size or form of the equally hole-creating attacks on the rights of the same local deprived community to universally high standards of education, society, training and health? – This question will be answered in the next Khoodeelaar! Daily analysis and the continuation of the Khoodeelaar! Manifesto context report here shortly
If lack of education is a disqualification then what is to call the person who is the or a very significant player behind the decisions that are made to KEEP the community so disqualified and lacking in education? Is there a link between such a person and the high rate of lack of education that is prevalent among most of the school-leavers from Tower Hamlets School? Can such a person be identified? If they can be, how should they be treated by the community which they sink by depriving them of the right to education ?
Can you understand English? You can? Really? So where you anywhere near the display? What was that demonstration about? The one that went past the gathering of mainly ethnicity-linked people at a Cambridge Heath Road London E2 address at around lunchtime today, Saturday 28 April 2007?
What were so many police doing about Whitechapel this morning? And what was all that shouting at the corner of Whitechapel Road and Cambridge Heath Road? An AADHIKARonline report here shortly

Aadhikaronline the 4th edition 1630 hrs GMT London Saturday 28 April 2007

Muhammad Haque daily world political Commentary - this edition being another Examination of the British media today

Saturday 28 April 2007

today’s London daily mail, being what They used to treat in the pre-internet age as The ‘weekend edition’, is still as robust in its Tabloidese prejudice as it was before.
In fact the daily mail has become more Robust as the epitome of what is allegedly to Have been ‘tabloid taunters in the UK Society’ during the past 10 years than it had Been when the formal Tories were in Occupation at no 10 downing street.
They were Margaret 'Hilda Roberts' Thatcher and JOHN MAJOR.

Both commentaries are about the ten years That Blair has been in ‘power’ at No 10 Downing street.

This daily mail contains two commentaries - one by max ‘Hitler’ Hastings, a former Editor, separately of course, of the London Evening standard and of the daily Telegraph [where he had earned the Hitler Part of his description because of the Ruthless way in which he went about ‘editing’ the 'Torygraph'].
The other commentary is by peter Oborn, Who has a less offensive and immoral Background to justify claiming the right to Make any moral comment as compared top Max Hitler Hastings.
Whereas Hastings has been as arduous and Aggressive a racist colonialist as any that can Be found to be given a major space in what Remains of the mainstream organs in print of The British media, peter Oborn has been less So. Both share the same ideology.
They are of the same school that confuses The bureaucracy that has at any time been in Control of what sued to be the Labour party And ‘socialism. Not that there has ever been A perfect model of what socialism is yet it is Internet to set out these facts, the symptoms That together constitutes the evidence that Neither of these two trenchant tabloid Tormentors is real.
They are posers.
Their postures are Dressed as serious because of the packaging. Both in the medium itself and of the Prominence in display that they are given in The current daily mail. This is part of the Alleged influence that the current editor of The daily mail allegedly enjoys in Britain Today.
that there is this awesome power over British public life and attitudes being Exercised by the editor of the daily mail Was only partly stated by the guardian Recently. In their report, the guardian put the ‘still very much active relic of royalty, the ‘monarchy’ itself, as being less influential Than the editor of the daily mail.
The category was ‘ something like ‘the most Influential unelected people in Britain Today’. As usual, the guardian got both the Categorisation and the actual listing wrong.
But then the guardian would not get Anything about serious facts right. In that Confusion, there is no difference between the ‘influence’ of the daily mail and the Comparatively less influential one as played By the guardian.
Both are racists. Both are colonialists.
And in the language of today’s media, both Are very savvy. Propaganda savvy. But they Are morally, socially, constitutionally, Internationally very unsavoury.
Both support the racist colonialist Occupation of Iraq. And of Afghanistan. But This is not obvious by just looking at or by Just reading their denunciation of Blair and Their criticisms of Blair over Iraq or over Afghanistan. Both Oborn and Hastings have been given Overly extensive space in recent years by the Associated newspapers, the proprietors of The daily mail and the mail on Sunday. By extension, both have been given Routine slots by the BBC in its [ the bbc’s] very Widely plugged and networked programmes About current affairs generally and about the Situation in Afghanistan and Iraq. One way Or another, both Hastings have been Allowed considerable access to platforms on The British media which have not been Confined to the so-called minority areas.
Oborn has also been allowed space and Resources by channel 4 TV to do Documentary presentations about Blair and Iraq.
All the words as published by both Hastings And Oborn are critical of Blair. But that is not the whole truth. The true reason for their critical comments about Blair, as they have put it, has been Blair's lack of ferocity!
Hastings and Oborn have really been critical Of Blair because of Blair’s failure to be more Racist, more colonialist. As if that were physically possible to demand!
[To be continued]

AADHIKARonline the 2nd edition 0915 hrs GMT London Saturday 28 April 2007
Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole plot scheme scam bill manifesto programme for Bethnal green and bow
Khoodeelaar! Defends the 'Bethnal green and bow' [and the wider social, political, cultural and demographic and democratic] constituency against political misrepresentation at council level, at the parliamentary level
Khoodeelaar! Manifesto against CrossRail hole plot - criteria for the most authentic representation of the community at all ‘elected’ and constitutional levels are set out again in brief here [more details are available from the Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole archives]

by Muhammad Haque
the given aspirant seeking any position that has attached to it a specific facility to speak for or in the name of or on the assumed behalf of the community at any ‘elected’ level must be able to do the job at the best standard possible and as defined by universally applicable and recognised terms;
they must have integrity of character beyond question as verifiable and observable by universal standards
they must have a record of taking a stand for the rights of the community at the expose of their [the aspirant] personal greed, career or selfishness – that record must be verifiable by independent test of knowledge on the parts of the people on the community regardless of any sectarian, small, petty affiliation or link and the evidence must be accessible by spontaneous reference to events, times and concerns across time within the framework of the overall needs, rights and preference of the whole population in the constituency
they must have manifest record of actually opposing the CrossRail hole attacks on the community and that record must be verifiable by independent reference to the given aspirant’s conduct over the past 40 months across the board
Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole bill campaign updates during the day Saturday 28 April 2007, including the latest Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail analysis of the desperate state of the confidence tricks that CrossRail hole -plotter 'undone mayor' ken Livingstone has been resorting to as part of the lying programme to hoodwink the people of London under one excuse or another so that he, the unbelievably petty and greedy Livingstone can hang on to public office at the expense of the people of London
Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole plotters on tower hamlets council - more legal action programme news
Khoodeelaar! Contextual reports on the unskilling and the miseducating of the community's children by schools and other 'institutions' and agencies operated 'in the name of education' in the actual area of tower hamlets whether directly or indirectly linked with tower hamlets borough council
the ruthless ignorance of Ruth Kelly in her ill-advised line - updates on the campaign against the demolition of the public control of public sector housing in the borough
breaking news on the campaign against CrossRail hole bill